Nag Tibba Trek Guide

nag tibba

Nag Tibba Trek Guide

Nag Tibba, additionally called the Mountain of the Serpent, is perhaps the most excellent and famous winter trek in Uttarakhand. Its closeness to the renowned slope station Mussoorie makes it an astounding decision for an end of the week escape. However it’s a somewhat simple trek, it’s actually encouraged to clarify this campaign under the direction of an accomplished Nag Tibba trek guide. 

Situated in the lower regions of the beautiful Garhwal Himalayas, Nag Tibba is 9,915 feet above ocean level. Thinking about the tallness, it’s perhaps the most noteworthy top in the lower Garhwal range. 

How to Reach Nag Tibba Trek? 

Covering a distance of roughly 10 km, Nag Tibba trek begins from Pantwari, situated around 60 km from Mussoorie. Dehradun is the closest rail line station, which interfaces this curious town to significant north Indian urban communities. Mussoorie is only 33 km from the rail line station in Dehradun. Taxis additionally employ between the two urban areas. 

Stroll through the Forest 

After some time, the path enters the woodland, and you need to climb for roughly 20 minutes. You’ll arrive at a lush fix with astonishing perspectives on the valley. From here, the path again enters a woodland fix. In a 100 meters climb, the path will again open up to a verdant fix, which is a decent camping area. Notwithstanding, you will not have a water source close by. 

In actuality, Nag Tibba has the most thick timberland cover in Uttarakhand. You’ll discover bountiful Rhododendron, Pine and Oak trees. On higher branches, you’ll notice Vajradanti, Ashwagandha and other such spices. You might even experience snow capped untamed life, like Leopard, Himalayan Black Bear and Himalayan Eagle. 

Setting Up at the Base 

With a few level patches in the ground, you can without much of a stretch set up shelters in the area. Nonetheless, it’s smarter to set up the shelters on the left half of the solidified construction. You can visit the water body close to Nag Devta sanctuary to get drinking water. It’s around 200 meters from the beginning. You should convey little cans to fill water, which can likewise be utilized for cooking. 

In case you’re intending to visit Nag Tibba in the colder time of year, a huge fire will be a must. On the off chance that you have a Nag Tibba trek guide, appropriate courses of action will be made. After a newly prepared dinner, you can rest under the stars, and anticipate another astounding day.

Why am I saying this? 

Nag Tibba Trek is 8-9 km long which is loaded with exciting bends in the road, which go through the thick woods.Furthermore, your one wrong advance takes you to where no one needs to be stuck which is loaded with wild animals. 

We were moving to our headquarters however our speed was very lethargic in light of all our setting up camp stuff. It was very hard yet we were persuaded and following 5 hours of trek, we arrived at Nag Temple and we chose to set up a campsite close to Nag Temple. Nag Temple is 1 km before the Nag Tibba top which is devoted to Nag Devta. Neighborhood residents have the Great confidence in Nag Devta. The neighborhood individuals have been offering petitions (puja) to the Snake God (Nag Devta) at this pinnacle which is a demonstration of its sacredness. There is additionally a water source close to the sanctuary which you can utilize in the event that you run out of water. In any case, water isn’t extremely spotless so ensure you bubble it or use chlorine tablets before utilization. 

For what reason Should You Visit Nag Tibba? 

-To begin with, Nag Tibba is a spectacular, easy, and enjoyable end-of-week trek that any inexperienced trekker or novice may enjoy. The all out Nag Tibba Trek Distance is around 8-10 km which relies upon the beginning spot of the trek. For the Nag Tibba trek, 3 days are sufficient to finish the excursion and to partake in the wilderness trail which offers a joyful climate, Himalayan perspectives, knolls, and snow during winters. 

– There are not many towns while heading to Nag Tibba Trek and one of the mainstream towns is Goat Village. The Goat Village, a bunch of ranch withdraws and homestays managed by the neighborhood people groups, is a drive having numerous social measurements, expanding another mix of Eco-Tourism, Agro-Tourism, and Rural-Tourism. This Goat town is situated in an appealing area from where you can see the exceptional dawn sea, layered mountains on all sides, and experience the Garhwali way of life in the mountains. It is likewise an incredible method to encounter the way of life and rural lifestyle. Every one of the cabins in the Goat town are made with the conventional Koti worn-out design strategy, with current glass windows from where you look at the stars around evening time. There is additionally a cafeteria where you can attempt some conventional Garhwali dishes and carry on with life like a nearby. 

– Trekking and setting up camp is consistently a deadly blend and in Nag Tibba, you can appreciate both Nag Tibba Camping and trekking. This is one of a handful of the treks in Uttarakhand where you can see exciting dusks, on a sunny morning.

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